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ICDM 2024

Travel grant


The ICDM offers travel grants to support researchers who want to take part in the Congress with gaining experience – abstract submission.
The scientific program committee will select recipients for ‘Travel grant’ among outstanding abstract submissions.

* Travel grant applications are not available during the late-breaking period.

* Travel grant is only available to those who have met all of the below guidelines and have made presentation in Korea.


Travel grant applicants must meet the relevant eligibility criteria:

  • Overseas abstract presenters under the age of 45.
    (including Koreans living abroad or working at foreign organizations)
  • Abstract presenters who applied for the travel grant.
  • Completed pre-registration with full payment.
  • In-person attendance at ICDM 2024 is mandatory for presenting authors who receive the travel grant.

The travel grant is planned to be awarded to
more than 300 overseas abstract researchers.

  • Class Amount
    Best USD 1,500
    Outstanding USD 1,000
    Excellent USD 800
  • Each travel grantee will receive cash travel grant at the International Administration Office located in the congress site. The following requirements are mandatory, so please ensure you are prepared. PROXY IS NOT ALLOWED.
  • Passport
  • Registration
  • Boarding pass
Application method & Results
  • Check the box ‘Apply for Travel Grant’ when submitting the abstract online.
  • The secretariat will send the decision of the program committee by email.
Local (한국인)

대한당뇨병학회는 ICDM 2024에 참석하시는 비의사 회원을 대상으로 학술대회 Travel Grant를 아래와 같이 지원하고 있사오니 아래 내용 확인 후 신청 부탁 드립니다.

  • 대상: 학회 회원인 교육 간호사, 영양사, 사회복지사, 약사, 운동처방사 및 연구원
  • 자격: 초록 1편당 최대 2인 지원 (당뇨병 교육증례 초록은 1편당 1인 지원)
  • 접수마감: 2024년 8월 12일(월)
심사 및 선정
  • 심사: 학술위원회의 초록 심사 후 선정된 초록 지원자에게 개별 이메일 통보
  • 선정발표: 2024년 8월 26일(월)
지원 금액
  • 서울, 경기 및 인천: 200,000원(기타소득세 제외 후 지급)
  • 서울, 경기 및 인천 외 지역: 400,000원(기타소득세 제외 후 지급)
증빙자료(필수 제출)
  • 행사명찰 사본 1부(본인/현장참석 확인용)
  • 현장사진(본인얼굴)이 포함된 참석후기(200자 이내) 제출
KDA 대한당뇨병학회Korean Diabetes Association
  • (04146) 101-2104, Lotte Castle President, 109 Mapo-gu, Seoul, Korea
  • Tel: +82-2-714-9064 | E-mail:
  • Business Registration Number: 106-82-31108 | Name of Representative: Bong-Soo Cha
Congress Secretariat (Planbear)
  • #1101, 220, Gonghang-daero, Gangseo-gu, Seoul(07806), Republic of Korea
  • Tel: +82-2-6734-1011/1012/1013  E-mail: